
Lyrics by Wilton. Music by Dittrich, Powell, and Wilton. Arranged by Dwarf Nebula.

While Rome sleeps I burn. My malignancy churns.
Am I a devil? Some say that I fell…
For all that was lost, I’ve more than paid the cost
Y’know they’ll can you if you work too well.

How’d the way I aspired become so quickly expired?
All of your secrets I’ll still never tell
Even Trees of Knowledge bear fruit apt for spoiledge
When all you take in is a feast fit for hell.


What is it in the martyr’s eyes that makes the rabble want to brick them in?
It’s a story that’s as original as it is as old; as sin.
So paint that sign. Print those lies. Say that the end justifies the means
If we leave it all up to the bean counters, we’ll end up with nothin’ but a hill of beans.


The Tao’s not up or down; it is all that’s around.
Bottom line’s not all it’s cracked up to be.
Made your gold parachute giving thousands the boot
Shipping production to where life is cheap

But when you devalue life; ridicule someone’s strife
When you overlook many loyal years
You make deficit karma; generations of dharma
You may realize all of your worst kept fears


While Rome sleeps I yearn. My whole frequency turns.
You can’t change the channel to be rid of the smell.
All the times I’ve been burned, the one thing that I’ve learned
It’s better to move on than in bitterness dwell.

You’ll have to lie in your choice, no longer adding my voice
To your ignored evangelical choir.
Now among the despised, I couldn’t be robotized.
But I live freely, if down to the wire.

Copyright 1999-2009 Dwarf Nebula. Space 88 Publishing. (ASCAP) All Rights Reserved.