
Lyrics by Wilton. Music by Dittrich, Powell, and Wilton. Arranged by Dwarf Nebula.

Nothing like having been a bald faced liar help you to learn the value of truth
Nothing like having been a real live wire to see you ground yourself while in youth
Nothing like having been a beggar and a thief to teach you the value of earning
Nothing like having being a college drop out, to help redefine new ways of learning
Nothing like owning but what’s on your back to show you the value of laundry
Nothing like going way out over the edge to help you appreciate boundries


You curse the time for lapsing
Conveyor of our own passing
“Jane, can you stop this crazy thing?”
But without it what’s happening?
God isn’t dead, he’s just napping.
The time is always now, is but a dream…

Nothing like being a billionaire to have you chump out on minimum wage
Nothing like keeping a smile on your face to fill those who hate you with rage
Nothing like the clutching talons of the hawk to rifle the wings of the dove
Nothing like striving to live out your dreams to see what you’re really made of
Nothing like the absence of everything to inspire it all to become
Nothing like the hollow expanse of space to need it be filled with our love


You’d blame the Sun for shining?
Feel the warmth and quit whining
You are what you is, therefore think
Is substance out of style?
Evolution’s denial?
From your ass you should pull the missing link

Nothing like the sound of the biggest of lies, to rally the cheers of all fools
Nothing like working for those you despise, to help you become more than their tools
Nothing like losing all your faith in the world to find what you have therein you
Nothing like losing friends you thought that you had, to help you find ones that are true
Nothing like support from you family, to ensure you strike out on your own
Nothing like taking it out on the road; bring you round to the value of home


So to what can you cling?
I believe in no thing
Without nothing, we wouldn’t know quite what we’ve got
So hang on to yourself
Though the hour maybe the twelv’th
You may find that you really have quite a lot

Coda March:

Nothing be bought
Nothing to be sold
Nothing to be had
Nothing to behold
Nothing to be et
Or put in the fridge to grow mold

Nothing is wrong?
Nothing is right
Nothing has no sound
Nothing has no sight
Nothing was put
On this Earth out of spite

Nothing for you
Nothing for me
Nothing to give
Nothing to receive
If that’s true
Nothing remains when I leave


Copyright 1999-2009 Dwarf Nebula. Space 88 Publishing. (ASCAP) All Rights Reserved.