Long Division

Lyrics by Wilton. Music by Powell and Wilton.

Crystalline encrusted gaping maw of time
Chews celestial suitcase all the way through
Galactic metal detector trembling finally dissembles
This too will pass. We’re passed by unsurpassed view

Orchid Spangophoria wafts crispily behind
Lemon kittens would drool to be oh so cruel
What would frighten their bright eyes tonight?
What slices to the bone? What wheel is as true?


In no time at all, space can be our playground
Time is but a pathway to the stars
How much more crowded does it need to get here?
Manifest Destiny, my friends, has moved to Mars

Gravity and air, you know, are really quite rare
When you’re floating there in tensile tinsel suits
Milky dwarfing separatist expanse is space
We’ll not reach across unless we’re in cahoots


Major Tom, I have to say you got it all wrong
Dust to dust, we cannot simply float across the sky
Or freeze you into space, wave goodbye to human race
Traverse The Greatest Divide in the blink of an eye

The quantum leap, my friends will be the next new trend
Enterprising minds depart now if only you believe
Don’t dwell in the end result like the Purple Triangle Cult
Gotta be here now to get there: Stay to be leaving


Paralytic paranoia pre-mature rigor mortis
Unsettling terrains impending collision
Marked upon the brow of our inequity with sweat
Even though it is only but a distant vision

Do we really have neighbors? Inconceivable flavors!
Do you think that we’re the only ones under a sun?
It’s the new space race. Our grey bias is misplaced
If we wait until discovered: It may be under a gun


Long Division Long Division Long Division

Copyright 1999-2009 Dwarf Nebula. Space 88 Publishing. (ASCAP) All Rights Reserved.