Let the light shine through somehow...

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Peace demonstrations around the world 2/15/03

Welcome. we want to thank you for continuing to think and speak with a real exercise of freedom. With media that has been bought and sold by the same handful of corporations that pull the strings of our government, it is little surprise that the truth hardly trickles out these days between commercials. The more alternate channels of information we forge, the better hope we have of restoring democracy some day. Click here if you would like to be put on a mailing list that is used to discuss the illegitimate bush dynasty and their continuing crusade to subvert the will of the American People™.
We have lyrics on these topics in our songs. See Red & White Blues, Your Own Hell and Tough Hate in our Lyrics section.

06/02/03 It's all starting to come out in the wash. Too bad most Americans believe "These colors don't run" and won't read the writing on the wall. We'll just have to keep spelling it out for them as best we can.
Meanwhile bush is off to stir up the hornet's nest of the middle east in another PR stunt, aimed at 2004. Is anyone else worried when this man goes off on a mission of "peace?" Every single thing this administration has ever said has turned out to be its complete opposite; the perfect expression of Orwellian nightmares: Ignorance = bliss, Freedom = slavery. When they start talking Peace I get worried.
Think about it. We now have the technology to have the President, the Commander in Chief, able to play video games in his bedroom with real consequences to real humans from the result. And wouldn't you know it, the one thing little george was always good at was playing in the sandbox with his little army men, and he didn't have to share it with a soul. So now we have the first administration in US history to ever directly profit from a war. They played with their little game, the 1.0 version: Afghani Payback and decided it needed power pellets that you could run over that gave you actual money in the real world. The 2.0 version: Baghdad Bunker Busters proved much more exciting, but he still couldn't get enough. What did he care of the cost? "It's just quarters and in the next several quarters we'll just run up a deficit that our children's children's children will have to pay" he snorts. Presently he shouts to the team of white-coated clipboards, designers of the upcoming: 3.0 Syrian Sledgehammer, sweatily clutching at his joystick, "We need mini nukes!"

04-18-03: Anyone else find a problem with their calling it a "great military victory?" -Not only is this as ridiculous an oxymoron as "military intelligence," but even sports logic dictates that a "great victory" only happens when there is actually some challenge, some doubt as to it's outcome. You don't call a pro team vs. a little league team any kind of "great victory" right? It's just like what comedian / prophet Bill Hick's said about the first gulf war: "It went from 'Beware the Elite Republican Guard!' to 'But look out for those Republican Guard...' to 'The Republicans made this shit up about there being any guards.'"

So where are they going to memorialize those that needlessly gave their lives for this cruel excursion? Put a monument in Crawford Texas? Yes, and they should make it out of depleted uranium! Might as well, since it is what sealed their fates far more accurately then any Iraqi "Weapons of Mass Destruction." George I's library is in College Station, and was supposedly built on lands that used to be a huge pig farm. They say the smell of animal waste has never quite left the site. Concentrated piggie effluvium. A fitting monument to a legacy of making Texas and Louisiana the dumping ground of the world for toxic waste, chemical deposits and petroleum blunders.

I finally figured out why they slash budgets for Education, PBS, NPR, the Children's Television Network, etc. in favor of defense. It's really so diabolically simple I hadn't dared to think it before: It is simply to make sure people continue to be god-fearing, TV-pacified, Wrestlemania-watching idiots who hate the rest of the world as much as they love their guns. That's how you you keep a group of voters around that will believe any smokescreen you spin, no matter how inane, and be ready to march off to show those "ignorant muslims" how they can have the freedom to grow a mullet haircut and go to a shopping mall and live in a big strip center, cause we got it better over here. Damned skippy!

And have you noticed all the judges we now have on the air with TV shows competing against one another? (You know we don't have enough dirty laundry being aired 24-7 via satellite through the Jenny Jones's and Jerry Springers, as well as all the new "reality" shows.) Now, since the dam was busted with the Supreme Court appointing the current regime, showing us that even the highest court in the land is in someone's pocket; I think it is another sign that the new Rome is crumbling from within (under the weight of it's own hypocrisy) to have judges that are worried about their ratings. I know these are small claims courts, but it is a small step from there to televised murder trials and executions.

I may not have been the first to come up with this idea, but I think we should bring some honesty to the courts and make judges wear their corporate sponsorship on their robes like racecar drivers. This Supreme Court Justice was brought to you by Dow Chemical, Exxon-Mobile, and Microsoft! In fact, that should be the rule for all politicians and lobbyists. The % of the uniform covered is proportional to the % of campaign contributions. That's real campaign finance reform!

03/31/03When will the US heads of state learn?!? Whenever they invade another country under the false pretense of bringing them "freedom," no matter how much they have brainwashed the populace that god is on their side, we end up getting stuck in the quagmire of our duplicity until, finally weighed down by the remorse of our dead sons, the masses begin to see though the jingoistic veneer and roll back their flag waving froth of support. Lets hope it doesn't take 13 years this time.
Though I carry the protest sign of Peace, my heart goes out to all the American soldiers as well as the Iraqi civilians who are caught in the middle of this shameful excursion that the hypocrites have damned them to. Though our men and women enlisted themselves, no one asked for this. It is for them that I march in the streets. -To return them to their homes. -To return democracy to America. This is the only patriotic action one can take once the facts are known.
Before the first grenade was tossed, I had a dread feeling in my gut it would come to this. It always does when blood is shed for all the wrong reasons. (-And very seldom are the reasons right for men to take up arms against their brothers.) In less than a month, what was supposed to be a surgical strike has already become a deeply hemorrhaging wound on the iraqi, British, Australian and American people who did not vote for this; on the world at large, because now we've now set a very dangerous precedent; and on the American Dream, which was been forever crippled by a few madmen who have been allowed to speak and act for the rest of us. They are stealing our dreams; our heritage; and our life's blood and making off like vampires. And what are we getting for this price we are forced to pay? Do we feel safer? Do we now have more jobs and lower gas prices? Do we all have more freedom?

03/24/03 As of this time, no weapons of mass destruction have yet been found in Iraq, but give them time to plant them. Still there is no evidence whatsoever to link 9-11 to Iraq, but they are still being tried and summarily executed in the judge/jury of American opinion. Americans are dying over there now, and many here at home are becoming red faced angry at those of us who still cry out for peace, ripping signs out of our yards and other acts of vandalism that show how much they love America's diversity and freedom of speech. I still cannot find it in my heart to blame the Iraqis for this shedding of our blood, since it was we that cast the first stone. The best way we can support our troops is to bring them home! Vietnam did not end solely through protests, but mainly through body bags that built up to the degree that mom and pop America finally said "enough." How many will it take this time? This is exactly why they won't show us the footage of our servicemen and women captives that the rest of the world has seen. They tell us it is out of respect for the families. I think they SHOULD show it out of respect for the families. Honor that they gave their lives, and show the atrocity of war up front so we can distinguish it from our regular daily intake of TV. Explain why they died: -Because someone told them it was in all our best interests. Someone decided we are the police of the world, above and beyond the UN. Many pundits have said that the reason we are over there is to bring them freedom. If we are imposing our way of life on them, how does this make them free? How free are WE if our governing administration was self-appointed and our elections are rigged now? This won't stop me from voting, but we need to bring back the exit poll as a check on the process, and we obviously need to do away with the electoral college while we're at it. (All it gives us are degrees of uncertainty.) For that matter, lets bring back checks and balances. Otherwise, all we have is fascism in disguise. Amerika über alles!

Direct from http://www.oscar.com/oscarnight/winners/win_32297.html
Michael Moore and Michael Donovan
Michael Moore: "Whoa. On behalf of our producers Kathleen Glynn and Michael Donovan from Canada, I'd like to thank the Academy for this. I have invited my fellow documentary nominees on the stage with us, and we would like to — they're here in solidarity with me because we like nonfiction. We like nonfiction and we live in fictitious times. We live in the time where we have fictitious election results that elects a fictitious president. We live in a time where we have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons. Whether it's the fictition of duct tape or fictition of orange alerts we are against this war, Mr. Bush. Shame on you, Mr. Bush, shame on you. And any time you got the Pope and the Dixie Chicks against you, your time is up. Thank you very much."

03/08/03 Pardon me while I fire off another series of rants...
Pardon me while I fire off another series of rants...
Have you noticed how many times bush says the word freedom in all his prostheletizing about going to war with Iraq? He gives a bunch of half-baked excuses and then falls back on freedom to justify his actions of kicking off global slaughter. He actually even used the example of... Ready... Get this:
-To choose our own leaders.

That's right. The unelected leader of the “free world” actually believes that the people chose him as their president. I've decided the pundits (and yes, bush is a pundit too. There's not an original fiber in his body) must be talking about some other kind of freedom, not the kind that our grandfathers and forefathers fought and died for. Now we've got a new improved Freedom just in time for the new millennium. It's just like real freedom, except without all those messy civil rights. It's for your own protection, you understand. In the interest of national security, our government has secretly substituted new Freedom Lite™ for real freedom. Let's see if the american people can tell the difference...

You can choose any religion you want...
Oh, but, emm. It's in the fine print here: The part that was added only in here in the last 50 years: Our god is the one this nation is under, you understand, so we have to make your kids pledge allegiance to him and this piece of cloth, and this "republic" we have here and have it droned into their skulls from long before they could ever know what it means, and now we have to teach in our public schools in some shit county of Georgia that the bible's creation story is a literal history, with no room for interpretation. And you have the freedom now to have your children put in jail if they do not attend this school if you live in that area.

But you can dress any way you want over here. We gots us some rights...
Like the kid who was carted off by the FBI after being turned in by his asst. principle of his middle school for wearing a t-shirt with a picture of bush with "Not My President" on it that he had then drawn a target over. Though not in the best of taste, it still should not have been been treated like a federal offense, literally, to have worn a T-shirt, whatever was on it. Make the kid put on another shirt and or suspend him, but unless he was building bombs in his basement or anthrax in chemistry class, leave him the fuck alone.
Like Stephen Downs, 61, who was arrested at the shopping mall in Albany New York and charged with trespassing after he refused to take off a T-shirt that said "Peace on Earth" and "Give peace a chance." Yes, at a shopping mall. Trespassing during normal business hours at a shopping mall is worse then arresting girls for indecent exposure for flashing their tits down on 6th street on Fat Tuesday (which they did 39 times this week here in Austin). Another fine example of where cultural norms clash with puritanical church based laws. The War on Drugs was just the first successful test staging of the shadow government. (They're not even trying to pretend it doesn't exist anymore.) They've just expanded the scope. The goals and methods are the same. The rulebook was started by Machiavelli with other big pieces updated by Adolph Hitler, but finished off successfully by George Bush I. A good friend of mine recently commented that soon they will probably rename Dealy Plaza in Dallas after George Bush I. With the way public buildings are being renamed after bushes around here, I think he's right. In 2050, they will commemorate the event that launched his brilliant legacy and has been foisted upon us for so long.

But our government is by the people and for the people...
Wrong again. You're not very good at this, Bubba. Why are key documents about the JFK assassination and 9-11 being sealed and kept from the people until 2050 or so, if ever? What do they have to hide?
Shrubco thinks he is beyond reproach. He said in the book Bush at War that because he is the president, he doesn't have to answer to anyone. He probably considers himself peopel {sic}. Its a country like in country club right? You git uppity and we're a-fixin' ta be a-throwin' your sorry ass out. Go to France, you pinko!

But at least you have the right to privacy here, mayan? I mean, Big Brother's not watching us right? I mean, we don't have a secret police watching everything we do, right? We don't have Hitler Youth setting up witch trials, right?
Man, where have you been? No, Freedom Lite got rid of all that hassle and red tape the government used to have in place to keep it from using all this new super cool surveillance equipment on it's own people. Good 'ol Ronnie Reagan used the War on Drugs to allow the U.S. Military for the first time to carry out covert operations within the U.S. borders and now we've got Good 'ol Admiral John Poindexter, convicted felon from the Iran Contra scandal heading the "intelligence assimilation" division of the new Homeland Security office, who so far has managed to give us the colorful fear-o-meter and bid us to collectively bend over with the duct tape handy. Programs like DARE and Operation TIPS that are imprisoning innocents and splitting up families do a far better job than Hitler Youth ever did. Cameras on traffic lights that issue you tickets are the first step in automated law enforcement. Interactive TV is right around the corner, and since TV has become the ultimate opiate of the people, we will flock to it like flies to shit. Thoughtcrime will soon be sentenced and fines will be paid all from your very own home. We have satellites that can target you anywhere here in the world but we still can't find this Bin Laden fellow who has more in common with dubya than anyone on the planet. And now we have at least 13 different law enforcement agencies. It's like an old sick joke: If 12 agencies couldn't prevent 9-11, do you think that 13th will? The 13 martini to try to kill the taste of millions of innocents burning in their beds.

Oh yeah, and now, thanks to the "Patriot Act" there are people in jail right now that have been held indefinitely without right to counsel since October of 2000. How do you pay back someone's lifetime.
Freedom Lite. It's more red-white-and-blue-ier, and I hayelped."

03/08/03 So, anyway, people are really ragging on the French right now. We've always known they have been a stubborn and emotional bunch, defiantly continuing to test nuclear weapons, sinking of the Greepeace ship, etc. so we shouldn't really be surprised when they go apeshit and overreact. What we ought to be doing is looking at what set them off. I mean, how hard can it be an act of diplomacy to keep one of our oldest allies coddled? Can you see this happening to say... Jimmy Carter, or Bill Clinton? I'll bet while he was getting briefed on how to greet the French Ambassador or president for the first time, dubya looked at the kissing on both cheeks custom being demonstrated for his benefit and smirked "I ain't doin' that." Hell, even Nixon kissed the French Prime Minister on both cheeks. Lyndon Johnson too, if you need a Texan precedent. But now, with some simple decorum or somesuch overlooked, we have them threatening to go to war with the U.S. I, mean, shit, diplomacy is all table manners to the French. (The Japanese too, which I guess has not been taught well in the bush family for generations. -We all know how well George Sr. fared in that arena, thanks primarily to Dana Carvy.) Hell, a simple pretzel is a challenge to this man, that's offensive enough to the French. What about North Korea? They seem especially easy to piss off right now. Lets start calling them evil doers and ingnore their attempts to sit at the table with us. Good idea george.

Thanks for reading this. Keep on thinking free!

Peace and love,

-Brooke Wilton

Frodo has failed...