Your Own Hell

Lyrics by Wilton. Music by Powell, Dittrich and Wilton. Arranged by Dwarf Nebula.

I have something to say to all born again killers
You who were blind and now say you can see
You have the right to believe myths you want to
But’cha don’t have the right to impose them on me
Darwin eating guppies betray your own ignorance
For you it might be true: Evolution stands still
Don’t’cha knock on my door to bring me deliverance
Who qualified you to judge another man’s soul?


Look what you’re doing to your self
See how what you do sets off ripples around you
You’re already in your own Hell
Got to let yourself out: Got to stop dragging us down too.

I have something to say to all trigger happy students
Desperate for a way to be taken seriously
With each episode you kiss goodbye to your freedoms
Inviting all teens to be treated criminally
No matter how bad it seems, you can get through this time
You’re not as unloved as you might tend to think
Everyone’s been a loser. Everyone has been lonely
Life can be a cool stream if you let yourself take a drink.

(Chorus->Instrumental Bridge)

I have something to say to the American people
So recently donning so much red white and blue
How can we possibly defend our freedoms
By giving them up to Ashcroft and crew.
And Katherine Harris, you haven’t been forgotten
Quick to capitalize on all the pain and loss
While we’re all out of work, your solution is: go shopping!
I don’t know that we’d be in this mess if we’d elected our boss.

(Chorus Instrumentally)

Copyright 1999-2009 Dwarf Nebula. Space 88 Publishing. (ASCAP) All Rights Reserved.