
Lyrics by Wilton. Music by Dittrich, Wilton, and Powell. Arranged by Dwarf Nebula.

Why do we all want to be filthy rich?
How has the means become the end?
We had all we needed ‘n all the time in the world.
Before there was money to spend.

Shows you how much it can suck to work.
Strike it rich quick. That’s the common scheme.
We want more than we can ever imagine.
Excess would seem to be the only dream.

"Deep down we all know when enough is enough."
Said the loaf to the fish at the last supper.
You shouldn’t have to take a job that you despise
Just to keep from washing down the gutter.

"Don’t worry. It will all come trickling down…"
Promise those who forget we lent them powers.
For the guys in the street holding cardboard signs
It feels a little more like golden showers.


How have we come so far so fast?
When did we find the time?
Fashion anything that might at long last?
Have it stop on a dime.

You can have anything you want
If you aren’t found wantin’ so much.
Sample what you like in moderation
‘N maybe you won’t find consumption to be such a crutch

Pyramid schemes all come crumbling down
The dot-com bull was bound to fall
Retire before you ever work an honest day
Buy yourself your own shopping mall.

The twenty-something satan in the infomercial
Wants to make you filthy rich, sure…
Make a fortune stuffing envelopes at home.
Call now for our free manure.

You can seek the fast track to success.
A path that is seldom enjoyed.
Then there is the golden road to happiness
Every task; a treat to be employed.

Which one of us knows how long we’ve got?
Death most often drops in unannounced.
But if you can learn to love your life
Have no regrets at the time you’re pronounced


Dead presidents can’t talk, but if they could they would have quite a tale.
Time was you couldn’t buy a candy date. Now they are all up for sale.
Try to tell me that the "war on drugs" isn’t just a terrible joke?
When every bill made in the U S of A, will test positive for coke.

And it’s really just not at all funny.
Here in this land of milk and honey.
Covertly we’ll come to blows.
While the people pay through the nose.

.(Instrumental Chorus)

Copyright 1999-2009 Dwarf Nebula. Space 88 Publishing. (ASCAP) All Rights Reserved.