
Lyrics by Wilton. Music by Powell and Wilton. Arranged by Dwarf Nebula.

I’ve been watching my life pass me by in slow motion
I don’t remember hearing the first shoe fall
I’m lost in the trappings of a semi-sweet emotion
Still waiting for my life’s casting call

It’s so easy when young to know all the answers
So easy to give with nothing to lose
The longer you live, regrets grow like cancers
Uncertainties blossom, nurtured by truths

The things I hold sacred, most have deemed trivial
I’m ground by the tread of oblivious feat
I scatter the ashes of unused potential
I lie in the reign of others deceit

I’m rich in the things that others find worthless
I lack all the things I need to sustain
Got so much to give that nobody wants it
Love so entirely, all I feel is pain


How can you get by on just getting by
When what feeds the soul also fills the sky?
What would it take to unravel the patterns that
Blind us to reasons we cannot say why?

Captured by the dance of your spinning umbrella
Rapt by the gleam in the corner of I
When it pains it roars past the weeping madonna
Still sad for the one who ascended on high

Perhaps for the best that his pleas go unheeded?
We’ve got to find meaning in all of this mess
We rise to occasions that nail us defeated
Why we carry on so is anyone’s guess

It would seem so easy to lay down this burden
Pleasure the laughs of the last grinning whored
To comfort the lives of the ones who won’t try then
Get back to a sentence so utterly bored

But what then’s the point of this marching of sentries?
Break’n the backs of the changing vanguard
If I have to go down then I’ll go down kicking
I’ll be the host of my own petard.


Copyright 1999-2009 Dwarf Nebula. Space 88 Publishing. (ASCAP) All Rights Reserved.